How to manage an online business and a 9-5 job

Trying to get an extra source of income is a good idea, a perfect way to focus on growing your passion and your bank account.

Sincerely this is a SITUATIONSHIP

I can assure you, having a 9-5 and an online business can be difficult, in fact it is very difficult but you can manage both if you are willing to follow this few steps:

  1. MAKE PLAN: You already know a person that fails to plan, plan to fail. You can’t extend how many hours you have daily but you can make 24 hours less stressful and occupied, if you have your week planned. You can create your content calendar for the week during the weekend, this will save you from thinking of what to post daily.
  2. AVALABILITY: Your jobs needs you and so is your business, you have to make sure you are available for each of them daily. Most employees gives an hour break daily, use your break time to attend to your Dm and comments. Don’t forget to interact with other users during this period.
  1. MAKE PLAN: You already know a person that fails to plan, plan to fail. You can’t extend how many hours you have daily but you can make 24 hours less stressful and occupied, if you have your week planned.
    You can create your content calendar for the week during the weekend, this will save you from thinking of what to post daily.
  2. AVALABILITY: Your jobs needs you and so is your business, you have to make sure you are available for each of them daily.

Most employees gives an hour break daily, use your break time to attend to your Dm and comments.

Don’t forget to interact with other users during this period.

  1. STICK TO YOUR RULES: When you decide to create content on weekends and interact during your break, make sure you stick to it.

I know we are humans and most times we try to “CHEAT” but NO, not when it is about your business or job!

Don’t do your 9-5 at a period dedicated for your business and vice versa.

  1. INFORM POTENTIAL CLIENTS: State on your social media bio hours and days you are available to converse with them, this will save you from explaining or getting potential customers angry.

You can also use auto response to inform anyone in your Dm that you are unavailable now but will be available at ……. time.

  1. MAKE USE OF AVAILABLE“TIME” Whether you like it or not, you can’t always be “busy” at work.

When ever you have a free time at work, make judicious use of it, don’t Netflix, don’t watch social media videos, don’t chat your friend up, you can do that later, work on your business instead, you already know you have limited time for your business and you can’t afford to waste free periods on unproductive activities. (Don’t be busy but be productive)

  1. LESS SLEEP: I know this got you a little triggered, so sorry…

I know you are tired from working 8 hours for 5days but you need to learn to cut your sleep a little.

It’s either you sleep late or wake early but if you need to get both your business and job working fine then you have to cut your sleep and do the needful. Don’t worry, this time will pass.

  1. MOTIVATE YOURSELF: I can promise you this, “ You will get tired” but on days like this, motivate yourself, say positive things to yourself, remind yourself of your goals, tell yourself that others did it and you will too.
  2. OUTSOURCE: When it becomes too difficult to handle alone, outsource to professionals. Don’t get yours left chocked up while trying to earn more money. Learn to delegate or outsource. You are not an island, ask family and friends for help or outsource to professionals

Like you know, Bisithebuilder can help you create content calendar and manage your online business at the best price. Click here to learn more

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